Learning From Loss

How I found perspective in his final story

Russell Rowe
5 min readMay 4, 2020
Photo by Lightscape on Unsplash

His Legacy

A close friend of mine passed away recently. He’s the only friend from college I still had a strong relationship with.

He was so talented and I secretly envied him in so many ways. I respected him as an actor, director, businessman, writer, and most significantly, as a husband and father. I appreciated his drive and fearlessness as an entrepreneur and I admired his ability to set priorities and put his family first.

He loved his family beyond my ability to describe it. He was infinitely proud of his two sons and I could see in his eyes the crazy love he felt for his wife. He adored them and he worshipped her.

He also knew how to get what he wanted in his business. Through the masterful use of his influencing skills, he could persuade just about anyone to see his point of view. He was an amazing writer and I was always so impressed when I read his work. He won awards and created a business around his passion for writing.

He knew how to tell a story. Whether he was directing, acting, writing, or just persuading others to believe in his ideas, he told his story with deep passion and meaning. He always saw the story from all perspectives and brought it to life in exactly the way his audience needed to…



Russell Rowe

I’m passionate about helping people become better communicators.